At The Same Time

In that corner over there, our dog Daisy pooped.

It was months ago - the excrement was quickly cleaned up and many other disgusting things have happened in our house since - but in my mind, that will always be the corner where Daisy pooped.

It didn't smell very bad. The stench coming out of my kids' diapers was more offensive than the dog poop. But nevertheless, it was still poop. When you have a dog, dealing with poop will become an inevitable part of your daily life.

My house often smells like poop and urine and all the smells that dogs and small children can create. We battle dirty diapers and kids who don't want baths and expired milk and gassy babies. Sometimes I'm the one who forgot to put on deodorant or missed the chance for a shower for the third day in a row. Sometimes the two-year-old sneaks into our bed at night and accidentally wets himself. Sometimes the bathroom bears the hallmark of the previous occupant or the damp, forgotten clothes in the washer start to smell sour.

And - there are amazing things happening here.

There are moments of wonder as my children experience something new, or a quiet realization that the brothers are practicing sharing and gentle communication unprompted. There are first steps. There are big, wonderful questions that don't have easy answers - especially not for a four-year-old. There are daily opportunities to be a servant leader to my children and a helpmate to my husband. There are special moments when my husband and I hold hands and marvel at all that God has done in our lives. There are chaotic gatherings around our table as we read God's Word with fellow believers and laugh and study. There are silly playtimes with friends and Bible stories acted out. There is movement and momentum. God is at work here.

Even though we stink.

Those of us who have a home in heaven still have to deal with earth's stinky armpits, including our own, and work through the idea that God is using our stinky, messy lives to - wonder of wonders - bring Him glory.

My desire is that this blog might be a place where I can sort out some of my thoughts on current events, follow-ups from discussions with friends, and other musings as I wade through the stinky and the glorious.

Alyson Taylor


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